Outfit Details:
Sweater: F21
Jeans: Macy*s (Grane)
Flats: H&M
Ring: Birthday gift from a student! H&M
So, it happened! My birthday happened. I turned another year older, agonized over the thought of my "life goals" and if I am at where I thought I would end up, worried if anyone would even remember what today was, and survived!
I am thankfully proved wrong a lot and was pushed out of my self loathing by love. The love of my family, friends, coworkers, students, and even strangers!
As I walked out of my apartment building this morning, I saw an unexpected package waiting for me in the mail room. It was the above beautiful woven scarf from
Lara Miller! We've never met - but were supposed to at the
Midwest Fashion Blogger Meet-Up back a few months. She wasn't able to attend and in reparation she sent a gift.
On a day when you are worried that those close to you are going to forget your birthday it was quite refreshing having a stranger drop a surprise at your doorstep.
Thank you, Lara!
All day long I was showered with selfless gestures, kind words, and birthday wishes. My students surprised me by decorating my classroom - another student who shares this birthday with me made me a gluten free, dairy free, egg free "cake" out of styrofoam and DumDums - and I received the most thoughtful gift I've gotten in years from a coworker.
Am I at where I thought I was going to be at (insert age here)? No. I'm not. And I think I might be OK with that. Emphasis on the words "think" and "might." The plans that I have had for myself have never ended up being as good as the ones that have actually happened. Besides, if I could have predicted where I'd have been at this age, what fun would that have been? I wouldn't have experienced all of the surprises, the ups - the downs, the joys, the pains.
What Has Become of Me in the Past Year:
1. I've moved to a new city.
2. I've been diagnosed, treated, and am continuing to be healed of a serious illness.
3. I started to follow my passions and started this blog.
4. I learned that the hardest things to do are most often the right things to do.
5. I fist pumped.
6. I fell out of love.
7. I read all 7 books of Harry Potter.
8. I was once again romanced by my favorite band, The Swell Season, in concert.
9. I was asked (and accepted) to be in a wedding for the 9th time.
10. I made the decision to never, ever, ever, EVER settle again.
Thank you to all who shared in this special day with me. I love you more than I am physically capable. Raise a glass to the next 365 days of possibility and prospect.
Fashionably Yours,